Thursday, April 2, 2015

Plyo Fix Extreme REVIEW

I started 21 Day Fix Extreme this week, and I thought it might be helpful if I posted a short review of each workout, in case there is anyone out there who, like me, is terrified of it.

The first workout you do in the program is Plyo Fix Extreme. Now, I don't know about you, but the word "Plyo" scares me. I'm not a fan of jumping. Well, this workout has plyos in it. You will jump. Even the modifier jumps. But to tell you the truth, I didn't jump every time. I still feel like I worked super hard.

Some of the moves include:

Squat jumps
Lunge jumps: In a static lunge position, you squat down and then jump. To be honest, I did the squats without jumping most of the time on these.
Burpee tuck jumps. Scary, but I just did burpees. Funny how burpees themselves suddenly seemed easy.

You are told to use light and medium weights. Autumn keeps reaching for her "heavy" weights, but says you can use your light weights. I did most moves with 5 pound weights, except for the moves where I just put the weights down (only a couple lol).

Things I like about this workout:
- I have room to grow. I did my best, and next time I'll do a little more. For a 30 minute workout, it sure works you hard.
- The modifier. Even though I think she could have modified more, I was able to figure out certain modifications that were even easier than the modifier (although I guess I wouldn't call them "easy").
- When it's over. Seriously, I feel great. I feel like I really accomplished something.

I'll be back with more reviews. I hope to review each workout of the program.

Thanks for reading!


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